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RE: Suggested Public Relations Management For Steem In Response to 'Dangerous Conspiracy Theories': Analysis Of Issues With The Steem Eco-System & Introducing The 'Steem Witness Protection Program'.

in #steem7 years ago

Who holds the keys to change the code?
If that is stinc and not the witnesses then stinc is the dictator.
If it is the witnesses and they get voted out at stinc's whim, stinc is the dictator.

That much is pretty obvious.
How the sock puppets interrelate is still holding some mystery, but the overall objectives are pretty self evident.
Stinc has no interest in anything but grabbing as much as they can, as long as they can.
And why shouldnt they?
Its good crapitalism.
They dont need the rewards to eat.
It really strokes their egos knowing they are screwing poor people that absent their actions could have their lives materially, and permanently, altered.
Whats not to love from a powerful overlord purview? Running off @dan was a calculated plan to move in a crapitalust rape the reward pool direction.