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RE: Steem Town Hall - Today in 1 hour

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I appreciate your feedback, and I respect your view. I am simply using the examples that have been given here on the blockchain. It has been given from members of the Steem blockchain regarding whatever has happened. I'm not claiming to be any sort of attorney, I am just using good sense. If I were a betting man, I would bet that there is no legal leg to stand on. To follow that doesn't matter. Who here would actually represent "the community" in any sort of legal action against Steemit Inc. Who is willing to shed their anonymity and step up and sue? looks around no? no takers?

I am just saying that it doesn't really matter what comes of this, what is the actual legal follow through that the Steem Witnesses could present? It just seems like a bunch of excitement and energy and passion...but beyond that I think they will find that the only option is to go along or fork. Nothing really changes. Be well


No one needs to represent the community. Injured parties are availed the legal process to remedy tortuous harm, which the exchanges have caused their customers by stealing their money so Sun could take over Steem governance. If enough of them pop up, an enterprising att'y could try to fold them into a class action.

Sun's bots acting as witnesses are currently failing to update the price feeds, which several witnesses have alleged will cause harm to the blockchain. That would, if true, injure all stakeholders. Again, torts are remedied by legal action, and if enough of us pursue remedy at law class action can ensue.

Financial harm is litigated alla time. It's why lawyers rule the world.

Sad, but true.