I am ready to invest $5000.00 in Fiat into Steem, but have been put off a bit by its low trading volume and furthermore its current value. I would surely like to get in on the ground floor at around .20, but I can't say without certainty that it will retrace that far back down.
@ .79 it seems like a great price when you consider steem was over $7.00 at a point, but in another breath, most crypto's have followed this same 90% drop in valuation since December 2017. A few questions I have before I bite the bullet are as follows.
Why is the trading volume of steem so low ? At one point when you considered its market cap, Steem was one of the most widely traded crypto's out there, now this relationship no longer exists. Have people lost faith in the platform due to @dantheman scatterbrained business philosophies, jumping from project to project? I know for me, I would have a lot more confidence in one of his creations if he just stuck with one and worked full time on it.
Will the bad Karma of people @trevonjames and @craiggrant lessen the chances of steem being a success and fully recovering? These people have a fortune in steem and steems success, will be directly tied to their future success. I lost a fortune in bccx and so did many others, I just cant see the crypto gods paying these losers off for a second time after all the harm they caused.
Are there other platforms out there similar to steem that people are migrating to ?
Thanks in advance for everyone's help !!!
Steem has huge support i think 0.7 best price to but
I want to see if it will test .70 again. If it does and it breaks support, it may fall down to the .25 .40 range.
not going any lower ...BUY

I am going to give it a few more weeks and watch closely. I have been accumulating ltc in the process. Cant wait to see what mid November brings
my guess (and it is only a guess) is that steem is pretty near its bottom.
Well for everyone on here - except Trevon James and company, I hope so . Thanks :)