I joined Steemit mostly because of the videos, @jerrybanfield put out. I believed he had the best interest of Steemit at heart. Now I am older and more experienced in the ways of the platform, I think @jerrybanfield is an egomaniac narcissist. Case and point, who names a coin after themselves? OR a bidbot. If he was megarich, he would have "Banfield Tower." His a Trump wannabe. Like him, he isn't afraid to step on the little guy to get to the top.
I think the bidbots should revoke the bids because this is a thinly veiled scam to rip people off, covered in butterflies and pixie dust to make it seem innocent and a good thing.
Serious, if you trade in your Steem (valued currently at $2.28) for a huge steaming pile of shit coin named after some narcissist clown shoes worth $0.00 (That's right, it has no value!!!) then you deserve to be ripped off.
F*** you Jerry Banfield!
Please blacklist scammers from misleading the steemit community