Great post. Easy to understand explanation regarding inflation and deflation. But it raises a question that I have about bitcoin. I am new to this so please forgive my ignorance.
It is my understanding that bitcoin is a way to, among other things, transfer value from one person to another. This gets done by the work of miners who get paid in bitcoin. This is how new bitcoin is created (my understanding). Once all the bitcoin has been mined, how will holders be able to move bitcoin from one person to another? There will be nothing left to mine and I doubt this will be a charity driven effort.
Or am I completely misunderstanding the whole role of what miners do? Because it won't really matter how scarce something becomes, if it ceases to have utility value. IMHO
What does the post mining ecosystem look like for bitcoin? I do know that when you move bitcoin you lose some as mining fees, is the answer simply that miners will take all their fees from those transferring the bitcoin, without getting extra from the creation of new coin? Would fees then skyrocket?
Again, sorry if this seems like a very elementary question, but my mommy once told me that "the only stupid question is the one you don't ask".