Steem Voter Update and some Tweaks

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Hi all

I last wrote about SteemVoter in this post -

I thought I'd give an update and tell you about some Tweaks I've made also.

For those that don't know Steem Voter lets you automatically upvote people you follow and their posts as they come out. You can however adjust vote weight and the time that your vote is sent.

I noticed that the amount of my curation rewards was increasing, a modest increase from an already small amount I know. But considering that I used to struggle to get over 0.080 STEEM in a week I think 0.220 is pretty nice :-) and of course it's a snowball effect.

curation rewards.jpg

So I thought it was time to log in to Steem Voter and see how things were ticking along there and do some tweaks.

It's a good idea to log in now and then and just make sure that your SP is accurately showing.

updating account page.jpg

Also check your logs and ensure that all you see are Green 'Ticks' to make sure that the votes are all applying ok. Mine were all Green so all good there.

Next thing I did was check my Voting Power on

SteemWorld status.jpg

My Voting Power is at 100%. I do do some voting on Steemit now and then but without the slider they are at full weight. I don't really log in to so Steem Voter is doing my voting for me 99% of the time and for now I'll lay off giving votes so I can properly monitor voting power after my latest 'tweaks' on Steem Voter.

I was prior to the tweaks doing all my votes in the 'rules' at 25% and I used to come to this amount by adjusting the slider and making sure that I was putting on at least 0.01 SBD per vote. When STEEM fluctuates (especially when it goes down) it's a good idea to check that you are still applying at least this amount, from my experience.

SteemWorld 25 percent.jpg

I am increasing 3 'Rules' to vote at 30%, so I check to see what that amount is currently.

SteemWorld 30 percent.jpg

No visible difference really, but maybe if STEEM goes up that will change :-)

I go to the Steem Voter 'Rules' section and then adjust the voting weight for the 3 accounts and also adjust the time the vote is going on from 24 minutes to 21 minutes and all other only adjusting the time from 24 to 23 minutes.

steemvote rules.jpg

I'll monitor this for two weeks, maybe a month and see what difference (if any) has occurred.

A tip for those of you that use Steem Voter, if you go to and click the outgoing votes button, you'll get a good display of how many votes you've placed on which account. This can be useful if someone you put into your Steem Voter 'Rules' has maybe stopped posting, so you can find another account to put in it's place.

vote count.jpg

Thanks for reading, hope this maybe helps you if you are not using or new to Steem Voter, hopefully with these tweaks I will reach the next threshold and get more 'rules' and input more accounts I would like to support into it :-)

Be safe and prepared and STEEM on!

Geordie Prepper


Tyne Bridge Footer.jpg


Good info man... its opened my eyes a bit thats for sure and will check some out

Cool :-) it's a good way to earn SP by 'mining' and the curation rewards are minuscule at first, but keep at it and it soon snowballs and can earn a tidy amount.

Cheers for the heads up GP, I've been a bit lacks of late and just let Steem Voter do it's thing.

Hectic life LOL

Yeah man, thanks for the Up Goats from it :-) You gotta do and prioritise man, steemit is nice place to be, but it's not the only place to be :-)

You're welcome matey and much appreciated GP :)
Hope you're doing well up North?

btw, I've finally (after 4 years 'in the game') got some proper survival/bushcrafty knives. 3 x Anglo Arms Field Masters from UK Crossbows as they've got a sale on. Seem quite decent for the price and razor sharp, all three take the hairs off the back of my arm straight out the box. Need a decent strop for them. I saw a video where a guy said sharpen once, strop forever; or words to that effect lol.

Do a post :-) would like to see what ya got.

Great idea GP, I'll look into that :)

Got a few things backed up to post about....... editing and formatting the posts is soooooo time consuming LOL