These kinds of things are frustrating to me. Stealing is a criminal act and should not be permitted, period, mistake, carelessness or what have you. It should just be impossible to do. What's in your wallet should be sacrosanct. If not hidden away from the world, then at least impervious to any kinds of sniffs, phishes or attacks. Such lack of safeguards if not out and out security is not good for business. It discourages people from trying to do basic things and it only emboldens the thieves more because they know they're going to get away with it.
I know there's some solutions out there. I know they all have their consequences. I also know that we all need to be on guard and careful with any kind of transaction that we make.
But what's going to happen when the hordes come and there's suddenly triple the amount of people active on the platform than there is now and they're all trying to do similar transactions? Is it going to work to just sit idly by and say, "Your money, your problem?" I think that's the quickest way to a mass exodus.
I understand the whole freedom vs. security issue. I'm 99.9% going to sit on the side of freedom. However, when it comes to criminals, I think they forfeit certain rights and freedoms the moment they go a thieving.