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RE: Why Steem

in #steem6 years ago

Hey, @acidyo.

It sounds like we should all just be following you around and seeing what you're investing in. :)

The issue is always going to be doing your own homework, and knowing what sources of information are the most reliable, understanding to some degree the mechanics or potential behind something, and then some good old fashioned fortune. Hedge your bets, so to speak, and then hold on for the ride.

I too have heard that a paring down of alt coins will begin. My hope is it will be based on utility, or as you've put it, use-case. STEEM would stand to gain quite a bit in that scenario.

I would hope those who are looking elsewhere due to the different issues users might have with STEEM or more to the point, Steemit Inc or the witnesses, and what they're either doing or not doing to govern or not govern the platform—take your pick—would not simply take all of their stake out of STEEM, but keep something in, in case they're wrong.

They can determine how much, but completely withdrawing seems like more of an emotional decision right now than a logical one.