Hey, @practicalthought.
Actually, I probably should have made that point, because it's true. Any time is the right time. Up or down. It just seems that people are around when it's up, and not so much when it's down, so while I'm preaching to the choir (and potentially those who have been thinking about giving up), I just focused on the one time frame.
re: circle voting
Yeah. That's why I'm hoping for clarification. I know people get into it—it's actually a naturally occurring thing, as you say, more than something meaning to outright ignore exclude, and it may mean looking outside the circle, but it's not an intentional snubbing.
That said, if that's the prevailing perception, that people purposefully look past stuff they actually see, well, regardless of it actually happening or not, something should be done. I say that, and several things come to mind that should be done, and probably won't, so anyway. :)