This is probably more complicated and nuanced than what I'm going to put it, but my priorities boil down to this:
Family well-being first.
Platform second. Always.
Now, that said, I do believe that both can benefit, and that there's plenty of ground to cover before I'm making a decision between one or the other. The question then becomes: how much time do I actually have?
Can't really quarterback that for you from here, especially since I'm not even sure if I know how to apply the question to myself. If the needs of the family are being met, which they are in my case, then that buys time. If they're not being met, then I'm probably not here. Truth of the matter is, I'm probably working somewhere else and spending less time here.
You, however, are in that middle of the road area where you've got plenty invested through some money and lot of toil, but where it's not exactly at a point to just start taking regular meaningful payments out of it. That's still future, unless you have incredibly low bills.
So, while I think your comment is as much to gauge sentiment as it may be to help you make a decision which is more and more pressing, I think I've probably not covered any ground that you haven't already in your head. :)