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RE: A little trashy

in #steem6 years ago

Many talk trash - and then wonder why they live in filth.

Everyone expects something for nothing. I think there are better ways to pay for a worker proposal system than the reward pool, but that's just me.

Whatever way that it's decided to be funded will ultimately make someone upset for some reason so whatever way it's funded I'm sure will be just fine. The only concern I have is that people will be paid before any work is done and do nothing. I've heard several people say that this has happened on Dash several times resulting in funds being paid for no work done.


For me, I would like to see a section of the pool earmarked for development and all other draws share the rest. For example, 5% for development, 95% shared at the same rates as now.

When it comes to the issues with completion, I think it would also be interesting to introduce accountability of some kind.