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RE: Curation - The Magic Sauce of Steem?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

i just saw someone being curated to zero after spending quite some time to prepare today ... you forget to mention the downside that might keep people away b/c someone somewhere doesnt see it their way ... the rotten spot ... i see more downvote cartels than "new tribes" so far ... maybe im looking in the wrong place :) All point of view ofcourse, if i had a million steem maybe i would be howling with the wolves but ... to me it looks like a place for rich narcists and crumbsuckers who like to roll over for a cookie while a very small number enforces their point of view and censors the rest

at the moment :)

good luck with your onboarding the masses but i think that was never the intention, the intention was to go back to the original circlejerk ... play little kings and emperors for the crumb- and votesuckers ...

i totally disagree with the THIS IS GREAT SO BRING A FRIEND propaganda but i guess thats clear by now ... i fear the coming flagwars will make the former ones look like childsplay


Please share links to any posts that were flagged to 0 which you think was unjust.


thanks for that but i have my opinion on the matter ... downvote cartels make sure one-sided views are pushed and plenty of people are scared to just do their thing ... we'll have to agree to disagree, and im actually getting back on facebook because this thing certainly doesnt have enough exposure, but its a mighty fine toy to play with :) highly undervalued when it comes to that and seen as some sort of "medium" or "reddit" by the original eldres , which is a total waste, BUT ... let's not do this. We both know all the questions and answers and all the arguments either of us will bring up and in the end part, each with our opinion intact. Im not having that debate anymore lol, no offense but it would just be a waste of both of our time and leave a bad aftertaste and there's already enough enmity to go round. You steem your way, i steem mine , last time i checked

o it was a ... senatorial parlementarian dictatorship, lets call it protectorate, enlightened despotism, certainly not democracy for the masses. I agree mass adoption is good, but only for one thing : to show numbers that attracts advertises and investors. Not to each bring €20 to the board so the whales can eat ... so, yes please, lets not have this discussion :)