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RE: Sample of "nothing at stake" peoples, empowered on 6th day by voting bots!

in #steem7 years ago

My bigger problem is the amount of spam on the platform. Just read a few comments down and you will see what i have in mind. "Woah great comment" being spammed over and over.


fight spam comments is easy - we need just attach 0.01 steem fee on comments.

i think that won't solve the problem.

In your case if bots are paid to post and like comments so they will get paid more to cover posting fees...

Im new to steem but the way i understood it was that its the goal of steem to be completely free and without any fees for the currency?

It's an interesting idea to explore. Maybe each post should take away some "posting power" like each vote eats at our voting power.

Or perhaps ‘voter confidence by peers’ add a Downvote so if everyone downvotes your post you lose money for those & if you get a very high number to if downvotes you get banned. Something for accountability. Otherwise there will be monopolized ‘gang’ up voters just for da 💰

I agree with the downvotes!

that would discourage people from commenting. Perhaps some clever filtering on comments that get no upvotes. Suppressing them...not sure

Yeah "love your post..;P keep it up see what I have too!!.!"

If Steemit needs anything it's more consumers and commenters. More people bringing interesting discussion. Look at how people use reddit, they don't just scroll down the front page and click article links, they read through the comments to see what people think. Reward pool or no, the discussion is what makes people feel like there is a real community, and comment spam ruins that.

This is an excellent point. At this stage the people on Steemit are largely creators. They don't mind having a read of someone elses work but there is always the underpinning goal of getting them to head over to their own blog and upvote.

I agree that spam is a serious issue of it's own... but as long as the spam doesn't get the majority of the reward pool it won't have damaging economic effects... it's when spam meets paid upvotes where we really enter difficult territory!

Instead it lowers interest in the site, people leave, steem goes down becomes worthless.

Yeah, the spam comments definitely do still have their own downside. Turning people away from the platform because all they see is bots and spam. However, it doesn't have the direct economic affects that these vote bots do.

The long term affect of the spam may be a bigger problem, but I think that attracting newer users isn't the biggest problem right now... It's keeping the current users. The ones being affected by these bots.

It's current users I'm talking about... I know more than a few who are fed up with the constant spam and are powering down. They aren't getting votes anyway, since everyone either upvotes themselves or uses their vote to pander to whales in the hopes they'll notice them and upvote their post one day. Actual users outside the whale pool are mostly ignored.

(Including a published writer who was using Steemit as prelaunches for his books/stories/etc... a sad thing for us to lose as "content" goes.)

His view on it, when conversing on how he should move his power down to USD:
"i've decided to power down my account on Steemit. i'm bored with the site; i average about 5 people viewing each post and the drama there is just...stupid. i've had my fun. time to cash out."
then later:
"yeah, i can't get shit for interaction out of anyone any more, which is why i'm good on just bailing on the site in general. move it out, do something else with it."

So is it appropriate to label these comments as spam? Many reddit communities avoid low quality comments this way.

great comment

Woah great comment!

yes, 100% agree,
If you have nothing to say: say "Nothing"