Dear Steemers:
If you're unaware of [] please take a moment to become acquainted with the website, I'll wait. :) ... [months later]
Okay, if you're clicked on the above link, and reviewed the information posted there you would have noticed that the available supply of STEEM is to date 20/07/2016 - is 89,357,051 STEEM.
However, this in my opinion is wrong because if you take a moment and review this lovely website [Steem block explorer] , and subtracted the [total_vesting_fund_steem] from the [current_supply] - the result you get is 2,692,652 STEEM available in the market at this point in time.
106,142,281.455 STEEM
103,449,629.415 STEEM
So the question you might ask is, where does this [89,357,051 STEEM ] number come from?
They deduct developers share (steemit), but I think this is unfair becauae ethereum has no dev fund deduction.
Thank you for posting! Hope you get this to snowball to the top!
BTW, should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem?
Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:
This is a democratic community decision.
