An old homesteader decided he wanted to upgrade his egg production, as his hens were starting to get old. He went to the sale and picked up this young fella with the most beautiful plumage and took him home. The next day he let him go in the yard and the hens didn't know what hit them. He was running them ragged. He penned up the hens to give them a rest and went in for the night.
The next day he went out to do chores and all of his ducks were missing feathers and just wore out. He caught the rooster breeding one of the ducks, so he penned them up too.
The next day he sees the rooster looking pretty well dead, laying out in the middle of the yard and notices a bunch of turkey vultures circling above.
"Well, your hedonistic ways have finally caught up with you and it serves you right. You can't be pinning down every bird that you see and now you're going to pay the price." The man said to the young cockerel.
The rooster opened one eye and whispered, "Shhh, get away from me. They're getting lower every minute."
Ha ha, that is a funny one. Loved it.