Is SteemIt censored at all or will it be?

in #steem8 years ago

I am just wondering, is Steem censored at all? Is there certain content that is not welcome here? Are people allowed to post stories/pics of illegal content? What does SteemIt do to protect itself if for instance somebody uploaded child pornography or something, or posted pictures of a baby using drugs, or anything like that. I know stuff like this pops up on other forums, but they aren't exactly blockchain forums, so I am not sure exactly what the differences would be. Any feedback is appreciated.


There is currently no censorship on Steemit, and I would appreciate it remaining that way. I would however very much welcome customized filters and toggles (i.e. NSFW content).

I'm a Reddit refugee. As long as the content is not illegal, I think everything should be allowed even if one considers it personally repugnant.

child porn would difficult to post as you would not be able to upload to imgur or sites like that, and if you dragged and dropped the image over into your post directly, it just uploads it to a steemit image server right ? And admins could go delete that image right? or are all images actually saved onto the blockcchain?!?! So you could permenently put child porn in the blockchain and it would be there forever right? LOL

Im sure they could even delete it if they wanted to, theyd have to coordinate actionbetwen all steem nodes right?

Weird i was just thinkking about this!

I know child por would be flagged down so bad it would never show up on teh site and that would make it so most peopel could never find it

whats suprisisng is that people are not ONLY very nice and civil here but noone ever posts negative or illegal stuff! I think its because the iddea of monetary reward keps ppeople behaving like good boys and girls

you still think its a ponzi scheme? LOL Ponzi schemes dont allow you to withdrawal your entire balance whenever you want! (And dont give me some shit about the two week long steempower powerdown! thats YOUR CHOICE and you an fuckin keep your steem liquid or in SBD! godamn, i get why u wanna seem skeptical, but dude, u need to actually try using the site! Watch how well it works, when u get paid you feel like u are part of the team!

The thing about the blockchain is that when something is posted, it is permanently recoreded on a public ledger. The site may censor something harmful(very rarely if ever this will occur), but everything will be permanently recorded and acceseble on the blockchain.

lol, what? I see you post in my brothers threads a lot, decryptson. You always use gifs to respond? Also, any actual response to what was written would be appreciated Mr. Weenis. :0)

it's a bot

Makes sense now.