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RE: Is coin trading really as simple as following the human psyche?

in #steem7 years ago

All finance and trading is, is gambling, and gambling is based on emotions, gut feelings and guess work based on predictions of other peoples emotions, gut feelings and guess work.

In normal currency land we have banks and rich business players who have done everyone over for so long, they hve manged to legally find a way to gamble in such vast quantities with worldwide players, that entire countries and world movements change depending on the outcomes of each game tht is continuously in motion.

The cleverest part is that they use other people's money to do all this with. We have seen the worst punishment should they lose everything they own, is they might get sacked, but mostly will just get a massive payoff and retire hppily somewhere.

This is just a big casino.

The difference with digital markets is, this is all still new, and it has started almost from scratch, it can use the balance of real world money to stay stabilised to better extents, and people can constantly create and develop new ways to generate the currencies... whilst having a mostly positive effect on every day life, investing in new technologies and allowing people more freedom to move their money around etc

Its still just a casino at the end of the day, but it's way more fun and user friendly, and this is how the world works on any level. It can only get bigger!