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RE: Steemjet World Cup – Day 8 – Do the Steemjet (Victory Dance)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

To the office of the lannister

Due to the recent increase / abuse / unaccounted amount of incoming proposals presented on steemjet, I have devised a means and a solution to keep proposal/budgets accounted for and this will be done with the idea presented below.


I have made it easy so you won't have to say No again because you're exceptional. That's why I have brought out this solution to solve our problems and everything will be in order. The idea of jet-mod using @steemjet-support account to distribute the funds while being monitored is the best to solve our issues. Let's learn to fly like musa and drink lots of wine.. Lol. Jet-Mods to the moon.



on the wings of superstars, we are words and steem.


Steemjet as a community has so many initiatives in which we use to bring about our aim which is global mass adoption of steem. From recent activities, here are a list of initiatives that has begun already on steemjet and they are the preach initiative which involves spreading the gospel of steem/steemjet by discussions and seminar offline base. Another initiative is the online social media campaigns used to promote steem/steemjet online to the world and all this are being executed on a time to time basis. Other initiatives are also created undwe thia two categories which are either offline or online. In each initiatives (not necessarily) funds might be required to run them if needs must and this funds are presented in form of proposals/budget. In recent weeks, proposals have been issued to departments and also specific steemjet individuals to carry out the task on their budget for their initiative. Steemjet Sponsor and fore-runner @dimimp has distributed steemjet's capital, what we refer to as our IST (Initial Steemjet Funding). On the basis of this funding, we are required to carry out specific task as assigned on our various budgets.

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This concept of proposals are however being abused by some individuals and should be monitored. Now, Don't Panic.... No one is pointing fingers at anyone. Our Fore-runner @dimimp might not be able to assess the views of each delegate because of time but however when there's a problem or an issue, all I see is solution. It is however logical in an organization, for issues to arise and with the state of affairs, problems are not what we need but solutions.

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If you've been observant enough, you should be up to date with the latest on steemjet and currently, @dimimp, our fore-runner is out of capital and all funds (IST) has been distributed and so in a particular period of time, we would need to make use of the IST until a supplement is made by @dimimp to re-imburse jet-funds. Other than this, we have to make use of what we have now and that is our delegated Power to generate income for what we lack, that is the way forward.

Few days ago, I started a FUND-RAISER project using @steemjet-support account to raise funds for future use.

Why Raise Funds?

This is done to prepare for immediate needs to come as there might not be a means of liquid funding presently and doing this was one of my first order of bussiness as a Steemjet Project-Dev/Manager.

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As well as we will love to keep everything smooth and running as I mentioned earlier on, issues will fall into place and I have provided a solution to the excess amount of proposals presented everyday. In order to keep things moderate and well accounted for, I have devised a means to assess and review each proposal before fowarding it to our fore-runner @dimimp. This means are to be kept lenient so as to make sure everyone is ok with it and there's a calm in the air for delegates and none delegates alike.

Disclaimer : I am not the owner of steemjet and this idea can be aplauded by @dimimp and put to use effectively or can be edited


I have devised two options in which we can make sure proposals and budgets are well accounted for without causing a fuzz or "shaking the jet » steemjet" , As my next move in line of bussiness, I would assign a team of steemjet moderators...... This moderators are in no means your superiors or in charge of anything you do, they are as plain as a normal steemjetter like you. Their only task is to review your proposals and budgets and consider them acceptable, pending, editing, or rejecting. This is so that the amount of proposals flying in will be accounted for and we do not make looses on our capital. In other words, the funds can be able to be in check and available for various needs and not some particular needs alone.

How do I intend on doing this?

There are two options in place which will be reviewed by @dimimp and those are -
• A team of Jet-mods made up of five steemjet delegates will be in place for reviewing every proposal before it is accepted, in by any means, they can restructure the proposal to make sure every single detail and needs are accounted for. The first option requires stress but will be done without question and that is because, we will need to monitor every activities under the steemjet tag to make sure we can review all the proposals.
• The second option is to assign all IST to Jet-mod and proposals will be funded by the steemjet moderation team. What do I mean? In simpler words, our fore-runner @dimimp will fund our jet-mod account @steemjet-support and this will be used to fund proposals. Jet-mods in this case will be responsible for reviewing and giving out the funds to delegates and departments alike. This will bring a cleaner platform for all steemjetters and will keep the boss's blog @dimimp proposal-free and hence, only valuable discussions and reports will be discussed on @dimimp's blog.


In my opinion, the second option is considerable as there will be a large drop in abuse of proposals and this will keep delegates in order and happy. This is merely a creative idea to help out with issuing of proposals and will be left to @dimimp to assess and if considered valid will be used in future assessments of proposals whereby a team of five jet-mods will be put together by me to review and issue out funding and we would have an account for that which will be @steemjet-support.

Discussions & Reviews

Reports have been filed in and because I have time, I can make use of it to carry out such task technical wise and otherwise and at this point in time, a solution like this will be best used in making sure everyone is happy. Critism, commendations and your views are welcomed here. Let us know how we can better this idea.

Steemjet Project Dev/Manager

SF - 1 @Gutzygwin


That's a wonderful idea man.. A lot of proposals come in.
You guys can curtail that.. I'm in support of this initiative.

I agree @gutzygwin. I have been witness to these proposals too and they seem really absurd. Why do I say that? because everyone could come up with proposals similar to these as all have needs. I could myself easily come with up a 5K, 10K, 15k steem proposal if I set out to haha. I could say things like, Oh I am a writer, so I need kindle top end for reading purpose, I need a new laptop for writing content, I need to import a certain set of books from abroad, I need to get myself a music system to play in the background while I write and the list goes on hahah. How absurd is that right?
I figure instead we could set out to create funds with our delegated SP and put efforts in raising funds for what we need ourselves. If you think about it, the delegated SP from @dimimp in itself is out of his kindness and idea to improve the community. No one has any "Rights" to it.

Also another thing I would like to point out is that not every SF member gets support in terms of upvote on relevant Steemjet posts from the @steemjet accounts but only a selected few. Not that the posts are any less deserving. We need to fix this too.
Count me in on any help @gutzygwin. We need to make this better! A lot of people might not like us saying this out loud but I am not answerable to anyone but sir @dimimp and as my delegated SP comes from him.

Thanks for your concern. Hopefully this will be fixed and we'll have an orderly system with this new initiative of jet-mod.
Concerning @steemjet account, I do not have the keys to it and though things may not be right, (I'll address the issue later) @lordjames should be able to fix the issue of the steemjet account.

Still in the spirit of the super eagles victory against iceland....
Boss @dimimp this is my maximal logo design

on black background, if you look closely you would see the russia 2018 worldcup symbol


on white background


and then there is this!! Giving it that real life feel.

Cool! Let me know if you need any help with anything in terms of manpower.

I have always been trying to fight this @mydivathings, but everyone keep saying I am childish, thank you for seeing all the truth I have lots of proofs but I won't spill them out now, I want @dimimp to take proper actions.
The steemjetcontest account and @steemjet is compromised.

Good thoughts. BUT
I have been observing the activities on here even though It made me look inactive or passive.
The truth be told for once.... The steemjet has been flying in a lope-sided mode in the hands of some delegates who cook up good ideas but end up being self-centered and bringing favouritism into play.
Truth is bitter but it must be said to reduce or check wrongs.
So far, I stand to be corrected that steemjet and activities alike, have been propelled by a faction(notably from one region in Nigeria called Uyo,in Akwa Ibom state)i call them "the uyo boys" who are almost seeing themselves as demi-gods due to the attention or hierachy they have attained from our unbiased,liberal and generous boss @dimimp.
Steemjet and its activities is for all and not for a faction or an individual.
We can all see from the just concluded happy/flippy the bird contest where obviously, the process was ruined by favouritism rather than going for the best.
Our dear steemjet should fly balanced by doing things, not basing them on self-enriching, favouritism.
I see some names flying and projected to be put in one team(steem force) or the other and yet, no scrutinizing to make sure these people are really active or some multiple account holders trying to make their list long to enrich themselves further.
Steemjet delegates, and activities have been good so far but may be marred by these seemingly bad acts that we have failed to speak up and stand up to.
I am sure after this, I will be hated by some and loved by few who stand for goodness and I know we all have plans and suggestions that would check these and keep gearing steemjet to greatness and its aim of global adoption.
@dimimp once said that whistle blowing is allowed but this one is a thought i am presenting to the entire steemjet community for greater heights.

Thanks for your contribution.. And you have spoken for the minds of many. I'm very thankful for your contribution... I might not be able to cleanse the system in a whole but I'll start little by little till we achieve greatness and that's what I plan to do. you're the community's voice.. Don't feel down if anyone talks down on you for speaking your mind. Raise the steemjet flag cause at the end of tHe day, that's what matters.

This is the best way to handle the numerous proposals.
I do have a proposal that will further strengthen my work on SteemJet both online and offline but can't drop a proposal yet because of what I am seeing. Some proposal can fund some country's budget.

Dimimp, this will be the best solution.

I 100% back this idea up.

As what @mydivathings clearly pointed out in her comment above (and I appreciate her honesty on this), I too sometimes feel that many SF delegates have been abusing too much @dimimp's generosity for some time now. Most of the presented proposals are (to borrow @mydivathings choice of word) "absurd". Some ideas are good, but most of the request STEEM are just too much. I really believe most of these so called "proposals" are just to justify their immediate need to receive some steem from @dimimp and not really to help other people or make the steemjet community move forward.

With regards to the @steemjet upvotes, I again feel the same way. I do hope that the people running the account are aware that all transactions done on the blockchain are accessible and can be viewed by anybody. So far, I have been seeing that it is just voting around a certain group of people and missing a lot of other SF members that need more help for those upvotes. (Thus the jealousy and the disappointment of some SF members that feels forgotten and unappreciated for their work) This is also one of the reason why I think some people just pitch in any idea that pop out of their mind just to get some free STEEM in return because they do not get the support they need. I do hope this also gets fixed.

I really do hope that people would see @dimimp's kindness and his true vision and carry out steemjet's mission for the community and not just see him as a machine that dispenses out free money.

I'm all for any of the two options above and if you are looking for a more neutral person to review proposals then I can offer my assistance if you do so need help.

already looking forward to working with you. Thank you for your contribution @jlordc

I am very sure you saw my work also @gutzygwin, I look forward in working and also being part of this special force too, generosity is not weakness.

Everyone hated me for spilling out the truth.
Thank you master @dimimp.

Thank you for seeing this I have also tried my best in fighting this things but they all say I am hating.

This is a nice initiative, @dimimp I'm in total support of this Idea.