Holy cow! I always thought hr1 was a bot. You used to be my biggest supporter! Thanks for that. Your votes made a huge difference for me. I just looked at Steeve and WOW! You guys are smart! Steem definitely needs something like that. I really hope that with all the work that has been put into Steem applications, the team at STINC doesn't flush it all down the toilet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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You can keep your fingers crossed or you can use them to find some interesting content on Steeve :) I will be happy for the first, but if you really wanna help, you should do the second :)
Posted using Steeve
I used my fingers to actually try this application out. If nothing else, it is at least another way to access the Steem blockchain when steemit.com is not working.
So far, so good. The interface is very intuitive, quite familiar, loads fast and has all the features we are used to plus more. I haven't yet figured out what the SHOW SPAM switch is for, but I'm guessing it hides low-rep posts? Also, since this is my very first comment, I can only guess that the APPEND FOOTER is the thing that adds the POSTED USING STEEVE footer.
I'm baffled why STINC isn't able to improve their own interface when everyone else can do such a good job. Perhaps laying off 70% of their staff was a wise move and now they can hire outside contractors to make things happen that should have happened a long time ago.
Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface
I run a game on a daily basis and I just used STEEVE to check on my players' activities. I found 2 things that I don't like about Steeve.
I don't know how important these issues are for others, but for me, they are quite important. The image expansion would likely be a good idea for any user, however I'm not sure if most people would prefer one long page as opposed to having it cut short.
Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface
Thanks for the feedback! I created two issues in our issue tracker and we will see what we can do :)
Option to show images in original size
Option to show all levels of comments at once
Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface
Sweet! Thank-you so much.