I wish I could say I was more educated in the politics. I came for the music, and things always kind of stayed that way. All the same, as we are all stakeholders, it's in my best interest to participate at least minimally, so obviously I look to sources like you @meno to clear things up for me :D.
My thing is, fundamentally speaking, if decentralization is un-corruptable, and we are currently fighting 'corruption', was it ever decentralized to begin with? Sure, characteristically in some respects, but if people are just finding new and round-about ways to 'cheat' to get ahead (similar to our politicians and the system a lot of us dislike), then how are we really different? This conflicts me because I can't tell if we should be fighting for true decentralization like many of us would want, or just start calling things like they are; the same, but different. Does the problem lie in infrastructure or perspective?
Lots of loaded questions that I can't answer without thinking long and hard. Personally, I don't think my mind will be the one to draw the answers lol. But I think in the relative youth of the movement, these are the important questions that we can all stand our ground on through small gestures. Like withholding votes to witnesses that we feel are acting inappropriately. It will be easier to make a difference now than 5 years down the line.