Frankly man, I am just happy that you reply to my comments and sometimes visit my post. People like me who are really into commenting learn the importance of understanding this. Not everybody will reply and those who do won't be able to it all the time.
As a steemian whose primary contribution is to try to add value through comments, I know that commenting is my area of focus and other people have theirs but replying to comments is nobodies area of focus.
I have been commenting on this one guys post for last few months and he hasn't once visited my blog (maybe they did and didn't like what they saw..........who knows). I didn't mind that. but the thing is that I rarely received a reply on the comments that I left. Then I stopped receiving replies altogether.............
You are an epic commentor lol but make sure you post more darinit! If people like your comments and want to follow they need some content :) maybe scale back a few comments and make some posts with that time. I know I would upvote pretty much anything you post just cause I know you put time and thought into your comments and community.
Advice taken!!! I know I have been slacking of on the posts and from now on I would be targeting at least 5-6 per week. Thanks for the push you guys............sometimes it takes a bit of a nudge get things rolling for me.
@steemitadventure you are one of the reasons I know that my posts won't end up without an upvote. I appreciate the support, so much...
I hate to say it but, @steemitadventure is right. Post more. in time it will pay off even if there is not a great deal of support now.
Last week #14, 159 comments with 66431 characters lenth, #26 with a 34% powerup. I say that is very well done. and Congrats is in order to you 👍
Replies are more important to me then the vote. The vote will come but the comments are a foundation builder
Thanks for noticing man! This time I am also going to take @steemitadventure's advice and increase my number of posts as well.
Its a lot to do and the length of comments you make along with doing more posts could be over the top. I started a couple of week ago doing the anhouraday and it has help. I still keep up with comments and it has increased my posts and writing skills, almost doubled my posts.
Time management is critical
so true, I would love it if more people took the time to reply to comments they receive. This is easy for me to say though. its not hard to respond to one or two comments. but to respond to as many as @tarazkp receives- that is appreciated :-)
@tarazkp is one of those guys who reply to like 90% of the comments...................can't beat that. I haven't seen a better 'replier' yet and frankly that allowed me the freedom to rant on about the problem of 'no replies' without being afraid of him taking it the wrong way :-)
Simple fact is that nobody is obligated to reply and so I can appreciate any and all replies I can get.
Man, you are making sure I have enough pressure I will never get any sleep :D
That's exactly my evil plan :-)
I try my best to get to as many as I can but, I read them all (unless they slip through cracks) and try to upvote the worthy ones.