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RE: My Friends don`t Believe in Steemit!

in #steem8 years ago

Lena, they said the same thing when Bitcoin was under $1. Yet still most people think Bitcoin is "fake" money at $1900 but we all know its a the real money and over time it will keep going up. The best way to think about why the Steem token has value is its utility in the the Steem network. The greater adoption of the Steem blockchain (not just Steemit) but the many Social Apps that are building on top using the Steem token. The great the price of Steem currency. The more users will equal more demand for a token that has limited supply. Metcalfe's law explains this type of network effect very clearly.


thank you very much for your info !! people dont believe cause they are used to government money

Yeah that's what everyone says until its not. Blockchains first killer apps have already begun. Its totally changed the way money is raised. Next will be the consumer DAPPS like Steemit built on Steem blockchain or Digix DGD gold tokens built on Ethereum's smart contracts. That's only naming a few 10,000 of thousands of decentralized apps are coming to hit mainstream over next two years. Its better for early adopters to have more time before we hit a massive hype cycle as public starts to admit they bought crypto like in 99' .com stock boom.