Method 1 of 3:All @steemitmania users would want their stories to be read, commented on, and scored high. So, how to become famous in @steemit
Become an Attractive Writer
Find the genre of writing you like. Is your inspiration flowing when you write romance, or your fingers smoothly typing horror stories? Start writing stories with genres you like. Also make sure your love of a genre is supported by the ability to write in the genre. An interesting story is the key to becoming famous in steemit
Create an interesting plot in your writing. Do not make a cliche. Choose a story topic that appeals to potential readers.
Use good grammar. Develop your vocabulary and writing skills. If you have trouble developing writing skills, you need to read more, and choose more types of reading.
Read the works of famous steemit members, and try to write stories that are similar to their writing. However, do not cheat their idea or writing. Use the inspiration you can to create your own plot, character, and world.
Create a story cover. The story cover is the first thing many people see when choosing a reading, including by steemitmania users. Therefore, create a professional cover for your story. Use interesting images and fonts, and make sure the title of the story appears prominently on the cover. As an inspiration, pay attention to the covers of the books you have. In addition to the cover, the reader will also see the description of the story so you should not ignore it. To make a good story description, pay attention to the story synopsis of the book you have.
Know steemit right? I do not know? Duh. Steemit is a place to read and write free articles. Nah can only be read population of this country, but also residents abroad also loh. Nowadays many writers whose work comes from steemit but so best seller. Kayak Dear Nathan who again hits really loh. No doubt the presence of writers wattpad bring new colors in the world of literacy. Although you know what, sometimes in wattpad writing on ngasal and as he liked, baseball mikirin typo and EYD. But there are also many good stories there. Depends who wrote also.
"I believe, every formula will be different results, according to the subject and object of each problem."
Looking at the way marketing products today many companies that use the race or event in medsos as part of how to introduce the product and keep the brand. One is by way of VOTE at an event or contest managed by PR or EO in medsos.
I will share tips on how to win this.
1.Any medsos account and manage regularly with the network, such as I have Instagram or Path that conetivitynya at once can go to FB, Twitter and Flikr. So once the upload directly into multiple accounts.
2.Prop into the community group and become a member in it. From here we can mengshare vote we want. No need to be popular. Can ask the help of the nearest family to share, or our best friend. My suggestion immediately delete after the event is finished so as not to make the visual garbage in the group. Not all groups are happy with this way.
3.Share also to our active accounts. Setting sentence polite propaganda and photo illustrations if necessary in such a way as to be interesting.
Personal Approach by way of inbox one by one. There are hundreds of accounts that I mention which of course by way of message copypaste. And repeat the inbox when we win as part of our appreciation appreciate the voice of friends and friends as a gratitude.
Clarify with the guide how to memvote and which links to point to. At my kasuistik because difficult to get into the link via hp or different sequence toolbar on the web. I test in hp browser and through laptop.
6.Active post on the community that held the vote so that our names are known and attract other accounts to vote.
7.Berdo'a. Rest assured fortune is not confused for those who persistently pick up the fortune.
Strangely, in Steemit sometimes the story written by paying attention to Eyd and conceptual can be far away viewersnya with the usual story aja, some even merhatiin EYD. Like my story for example. Three years ago I wrote a story on Steemit under the title MY Perfectly Husband. And its readers are quite 42,000 viewers until now. The story I wrote ngasal. With a super duper EYD mess. But viewnya even so much. While the story that I write with the concept, called Before Marriage. In fact a little bit who read. Only 340 viewers. Ngenes really, And this is finished.
So, according to my pengamantan, there are special tricks how to make the story you write in steemit read by many people
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