Just when I was shaking my head, as many others, about the state of the alt-coin market for the past week, and getting ready to buy cheap Steem again, a huge portion of my portfolio is in the black again! All I needed to go was to close the computer, go for beers and tapas... Damn!
Even +15% for Steem! I mean, OK, the fall was huge, so it amounts to a very slight improvement in the end, but what do you think, is it here to last? All is forgiven, back on track?
Can you tell me which exchange are you referring to? Thanks!
Aha. Because Poloniex is still not working as far as Steem and SBD transfers are concerned.
Happy trading.
Which wallet do you use? I cant stand mycelium although a lot of people like it. I want something very simple and useful as I am very new to crypto. Thanks <3 Jasmine
Never heard about mycelium before :( ... I use BitGo. The simplest i could find.
I think bitcoin is going to fall more, i was gonna buy some cryptos now, but i feel the prices are going to be cheaper !! july is going to be red brother !
But after that the green will come and the gains also
i agree, scared markets. Guessing it will stay that way until there is something done about the scaling debate.
Absolutely, I expect red during july and August, more buying opportunities to come !!
it's all speculation my friend, could tank..could reach all time highs, anyone telling you anything with certainty is full of IT. The only real piece of advice I can offer is to hold on to your investments, don't sell. also...was the fall really that big? tell me, what was the price of bitcoin one month ago?
True! When you consider a one month or three month timeline, the fall was not so big. But everyone was getting itchy and nervous :)
Everyone seemed to be panic selling!
Scared investors and computer trading caused this I think... unless something catastrophic happens, I don't think the markets will continue to drop as dramatically as they have done.
August 1st could be a completely different story though, that could change the game completely.
Yeah, read an article about August 1st... :-/ Don't really know much about it, fuzzy a bit for me. Market is spooked of course by the "bubble" discourse.
Nobody is 100% sure what will happen at the moment, the Bitcoin development and mining community cannot seem to agree on the way forward and that leaves everyone else completely lost...
The community is basically divided on how to upgrade the Bitcoin blockchain at the moment. If they cannot agree upon an upgrade strategy then the chain will split and hence both coins will probably dramatically devalue short term. Other cryptos would also probably devalue as they tend to follow Bitcoin when there is a mass market exodus.
If this happens, make sure you have a wallet that supports the Bip 148 upgrade otherwise you Bitcoin(s) could go to a specific chain against your will... or alternatively sell your coins beforehand.
If an upgrade strategy is approved, however, the value of Bitcoin could increase nicely.
Yeah your right, the "Bubble... flash crash... slaughter" that the news loved to report definitely caused a major spook.
There is no denying, however, that the panic sell on 90% of the coins is evidence that the market is not mature enough and people are in it for the fast buck rather than long term goals.
Beer makes everything better!
So, let's invent Beercoin... The freshness of beer, the power of coin...
Lol! Looks like someone may have beaten us to the punch, it came up in search but I can't check out Reddit to confirm
I feel like in July a lot is gonna change and it will be a month of profit and investment
Amen :) It better be! Also, being in holidays for 2 weeks i'll have no way to trade ^^ That's gonna be agonizing to come back and see the state of my portfolio XD
Might be decreasing now , but hold onto it , we will see a rise
I agree that Bitcoin is going to fall more in July........ asfor the rest of the coins I don't know....... I think XRP is going to go up though.
It's going to be a crazy summer for sure :) fingers crossed!
I'm too hardened to panic anymore, but yes, I can hear the collective sigh too.
looks like the market is too volatile to remain at a certain level right now. Dropped again.