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RE: Less minnows, but more dolphins

in #steem6 years ago

Not saying that this wouldn't work for tenkminnows, but in general, basically asking for myself actually, is there any way to actually minimize the loss if you lease SP?

I mean, it seems basically impossible to profit nowadays, if you don't get a delegation for a bargain price somewhere. The last time I checked (a few months ago), I would've lost about 70%.

To make it easier to understand. I would've earned 3 Steem and I would've paid 10 Steem for the delegation. (With 10 self-votes per day).

So, it would've been a total loss of approximately 7 Steem. Now, some people might be totally okay with those results, but I was not back then, and I wouldn't be okay with such a large loss today either. If I could profit a little, just a small percentage or have a total loss of ~5-10%. Then it would've been a different scenario. That would've made things more interesting.


It seems counterproductive to pay for these things as it just grows the big accounts. We prefer to rely on donated SP for the benefit of the community.

Hmm okay well. I dont do any math, but how can you calculate that? My other account @worldhelper is growing pretty sweet just by have 2000sp leased.

With leased SP you grow faster than you wuld if you powered up 10 steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, I'm not sure if the math is accurate, because I've never paid for a delegation before. What I did, was basically to check on minnowbooster (and a second place I can't remember the name of right now unfortunately), what a delegation of 10000 SP for a month would cost.

To make it even easier, I'll give you an example based on a delegation for 1 week.

In this case, it seems like it would cost 66.66 Steem for 1 week.

After that, I just simulated Steem Power on Steemworld to see what a 100% upvote would be worth with 10K SP, ($0,14). So 10 self-votes at 100% would be worth a total of $1,4.

If you got to keep 75% of the $1,4 you'd get about $0,98.

$0,98 x 7 (as you'd have 10K for 7 days) is a total of $6,86.

1 Steem is worth $0,19, so if you bought Steem for everything you've made during the week, you would get approximately 36.1 Steem. So, that would be a loss of about 40.56 Steem per week or 45,85% per week.

Like I said though, I'm not sure if this is really accurate, but it's rather close according to my understanding at least... And I personally can't really see why leasing delegations would be profitable for anyone with those numbers.

Okay Okay. I get that its a loss in the short term. But buying a lease for longer period or continue to buy/renew a lease will with the extra curations come out of head.

Buying a lease is a flat fee, but getting sp is not flat, it will continue to raise

Posted using Partiko Android

I totally get your point, but I'm not actually sure about that either.

I mean, take my example and multiply it by 10 or even 100. For long term.

You pay 66.66 Steem per week and you're able to get back 36.1 Steem.

  • -40.56 Steem per week.

10 weeks would cost you 666.6 Steem, give you 361 Steem back.

  • -405.6 Steem for 10 weeks.

This however, is only based upon 10 self-votes per day, so I haven't considered the curation rewards. But, it seems highly unlikely that you'd be able to earn 40.56 Steem in curation rewards per week, with 10K SP, on top of the earnings from your self-votes.

If you don't talk about the growth of your account, long term, and that your upvotes will be worth slightly more each week due to that growth. But that still wouldn't really change the fact of what you pay versus how much you make for the actual delegation.

I mean, I would pay 66.66 Steem per week for 10K SP, but my total SP would be up to about 15K with the extra 10K so my votes would be worth $0,20 instead of $0,14. But, I would only pay for 10K, so I can't really include the earnings from my own stake in that calculation.

  • Or am I missing something? :D

Well. I get it. It makes sense. But if you gets lets say 0.1sp back from upvoting one post, thats added on top of your sp which makes your vote more powerful.

If thats stabile which it isn't and you voted 11 times a day. That gives you 1.1 sp the first day. But the second may be a bit higher.
You might earn 0.101 instead of 0.100 in curations.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good point. I would definitely love some in-depth calculations for something like this. I wouldn't mind leasing SP if I could turn it profitable, or at least minimize the loss to only a few percentages. Judging by the numbers I have today though, it just doesn't feel good at all. lol

And what about the token value? That it also extra money you get from the same upvotes :D

Posted using Partiko Android

It might be a bit hard to do, since you have to take all of the curation rewards into it and that varies from person to person even with the same amount of SP depending on who and when you vote. But it would be awesome!

And I am doing weekly updates now to grow faster. I have growing @worldhelper from 0 sp to 65 sp in 62 days. Thats 1 SP per day with only 2k sp leased.

Posted using Partiko Android

I guess that depends on self-votes, which I would consider a less good option in general. Support other people and you will get votes anyway. Isn't it better to get community support? This is not just a race to get rich. It is about building community.

I mean you can do both.
I do both x)
Self-votes while delegating my SP to things. I have 200 sp delegated to the plankton.token project and I have bought 100 plnk and I am also delegating to upvotebuilders. I know I get upvotes in the return, but it still helps them to upvote other people and help them.

I still feel like I am at a stage where I ain't that big yet to fully give away sp to free project. I wanna do that, but as someone who have invested 200 euros of my own money into steem, I think its fair I do both

Posted using Partiko Android

I was just saying why I don't buy delegation etc. We each choose our own path

No problem and yes we have :D

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