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RE: The Facts

in #steem5 years ago

Hey, I've always hated DPoS and openly shared my view that Steem is overly centralized. People said DPoS was a bad idea, but all the people on Steem, EOS and TRON never listened, just kept talking about "scalability" the whole time.

Now people are figuring it out, finally. DPoS got corrupted on EOS, TRON and now Steem too. DPoS sucks, its no more decentralized than your average board of directors in a corporation.

How can we fix Steem though now that everyone realize this sucks?

  1. increase the total amount of consensus witnesses by way more than 21, maybe 63.

  2. Then limit voting options from 30 votes to 5 votes.

  3. Next, implement witness staking and penalize witnesses when they don't reach accurate consensus.

Alternatively, just wait for ETH2 to come out and then copy their POS system, because its going to be the most bad ass shit in the market once its finished.