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RE: I bought a $2,000 STEEM-POWERED laptop... for free?

in #steem7 years ago

Congratulations, friend! :)

I recently got a Surface with the idea of it being paid off via my Steem posting, and it has done exactly that!

Good luck with everything! Keep smashing it with your content!


Nice! i was battling with the idea of something touchscreeny but... I couldn't sacrifice a laptop lifestyle, and touchscreens on laptops seems like a bad idea (bendy, jiggly screen hinges and such)... Surface was the other alternative to this powerhouse.

Hopefully I will be writing until death do us part ;)

Different niches - I have my gaming rig for gaming, Surface for writing / work related things. :)

The Surface will get a workout in the coming weeks, we're hoping to live stream a local steemit meet up from it!