Then seems quite fair at first glance. Big problem of wealth concentration remains. Account is controlled (~ 95% worth of delegations) by only 7 accounts, thus at the end over 90% of newly created steem / SP goes into those few accounts spiralling wealth concentration.
Inequality is inevitable as physics laws dictate, yes, interesting, I think I got a topic for my next article! Too little inequality is bad (communism) too much is bad (dictatorship), the point is to find this sweet spot.
dictatorship like wealth concentration.@ocdb is too focused on profits for big players, I think. Doesn't move wealth equilibrium to optimal position, but enhances current
Not an easy problem to solve, to be honest.
No man OCDB is focused on taking delegations from the BAD big players.
It is about the only bot that shares a little with the author and it is the only one that KEEPS 0 for the trouble.
Most bots you pay 10 and you get 5 OCDB you pay 10 you get 11 (sometimes more sometimes less but always more than what you put)
It is a different problem.
It seems they are not that BAD delegating, as nobody can force them? It doesn't change the fact that 90% plus newly created STEEM goes to only a handful of accounts, further centralising funds.
Better than 90% going to delegators and 10-25% going to the owners of the bots is what he is saying.