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RE: DO NOT promote BitConnect on Steemit

in #steem8 years ago

Nice post, I just think its wrong to punish someone based on speculation. Where is the proof/hard facts that state bitconnect is a scam? Today I heard the Monero boss talking about how so many people give him crap because people use monero to purchase large amounts of drugs. He simply shook his shoulders and said, that he doesn't do and he can't stop people from using monero in that way, so why should he care. I just laughed because its the truth, we may not like it but it doesn't make HIM or the currency wrong/bad.


yup i agree! yeah bitconnect is just another crypto currency and it is proven to be an actuak blockchain with its own seperate bitcoinnect wallets etc

just shoulndt be prooted as suc anamazing thinf or beginners, id rather ave begginer here on steemit or onexcanges uying altcoins etc and yeah i used to be mad at what thught was spam but i am happy to elp ANYOEN mae money on steemit UNLESS theyare prooting an active scam like Mini scam or those other known scams, then its all gooood!

I relized ANy referal programs for Mining contracts no matter how un profiitable at first will all be protfiable, eventeh genesis stuff at very very very bad rates, compared to new rates, well, evenif u do waste ur money on genesis u WIL make mony back once the bitcoin price doubles and triiples again! bbut youll make yoyr money back WAY faster at and i dont even have a referal program with them cuz its not up yet! no referal program! i aint makin shit off showin people that link! i ust wana help u guys get a cheap miner contract....i mean lifetime 1 terahash i got three! i would get mroe i f i coudl affford it maybe i shoudl sell everything and just buy ore lifetime TH ctracts it went up from $140 to $187!!! and rightly so!!!!! omg so hungry cants top typing sorry for all th etypos man im am trying toa nswer all my comments replies