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RE: Who created the most new Steem accounts since HF20?

in #steem6 years ago

Hi penguinpablo,
Thank you the information on steem account creation - very interesting.
Could you tell me how the HF20 effected voting in terms of when is the best time to vote? I have heard the first 15 mins now go's straight to the reward pool? Decreasing until 15 mins? So is it best to receive votes from 15-30 mins?

Basically when is the best time to vote for personal gain?
And when is the best time to vote to increase reward to the actual poster you are voting for?

HUGE thanks for your incredible work on steemit :D

Upvoted and resteemed :D


Stop voting for anything before 15 minutes - all that money goes back where it came from - not to you and not to who you voted for. I'm not sure of the "best" time after that. I used to vote for most people at 27 minutes through steemdunk and will be changing all of those to 16 minutes next time I go in. I'm noticing a lot of votes ahead of me now with my 27 minute vote. Do not vote for comments before 15 minutes either since they are treated like posts.

Hi Sharon
I was hoping for some concrete figures from penguin P on this matter. I have taken on board not to vote before 15 mins ... although I would love to understand the reasoning behind this change also. Thank your for help as always :D

Posted using Partiko iOS

If you vote immediately (in the first second) 100% of the curation reward of your vote goes straight to the reward pool. If you vote after 10 minutes, only 1/3 goes to the reward pool and 2/3 is your curation reward. If you want to receive the full curation reward you have to wait at least 15 minutes before voting on a post.

I usually wait until the 15 minutes have passed before I vote.

Thank you Penguinpablo!
Do you know what the idea behind this is? It seems strange to make only noobs (who do not understand) and possibly charitable whales the only people to vote in the first 15 minutes! What does this achieve do you know? The previous half hr rule with curation rules made some sense but this i do not understand!

Also (for further complication!) what happens in the second 15 minute period now? :D

Thanks again!

The change was made to make self voting less attractive. If whales vote on their own post they now receive only 75% of the value of the vote. 25% of the value of the vote goes to the curators or to the reward pool if the voter votes within the 15-minute timeframe.

what happens in the second 15 minute period now?

There is no second 15 minute period. Either one votes within the first 15 minutes or after 15 minutes. This was 30 minutes before HF20, but there is now no 30-minute timeframe anymore.