How to Overcome Positive Internet

in #steem8 years ago

How to Overcome Positive Internet

download (3).jpg
How to Overcome Positive Internet for KumpulBagi site
How to Overcome Positive Internet for KumpulBagi site
As we know, that the place of online storage that is very friendly with our language Indonesia is gathered for. Servers are speeding, and also the ease of how to download it becomes a priority and the main choice for us all to always be able to easily download through the site.
Collect is an online storage site that is a lot of file file that its properties are free, so menkominfo and ISPs do not let sites like kumpulbagi develop.
Including here, there are some links that gather to be an alternative to faith. Many are still not aware if kumpulbagi been blocked by kominfo and ISP-ISP, but also there are also many who are aware.
Therefore, here I try to share a way of passing a positive internet dihalaukan by kominfo dgt kumpulbagi site.
Her steps are pretty easy
O first, download it first => Notepad ++ (for easy editing)
O then Install
O next open "Hosts" in windows explorer below
C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc
O Right-click "Hosts" select Edit With Notepad ++
O Add the following line below
=> LIST HOST to add
O then save
O enjoy
O wonderful greeting
For the confused and want easy, please download the finished
=> Host so to Kumpulbagi
Once downloaded, extract and paste it to: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc
After all it is done, please close your browser, and open the site collect it, will succeed, if still appear its positive internet, please restart your computer, and try again,