How to Mentranslate PDF English
For those of you who have difficulty how to translate PDF english, I will share how easy way to translate PDF file. This way can be used and useful for your fighter skipper S1 who difficulties mentranslate journals in foreign languages, especially English. Some things you must have before you translate is that you must have a Gmail account, only with Gmail we can use the products available by Google like Google Calendar, Google Drive, etc.
After you register in Gmail
- then open Google Drive it will show up like this
Image How to Mentranslate PDF English 1
- The next step you upload a PDF file that will ditranslate. Select the upload button located in the top left corner.
Image How to Mentranslate PDF English 2
- Then select the PDF file that will ditranslate.
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- Make sure the PDF file successfully uploaded to Google Drive
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- Then select / check the PDF file you want to translate, select 'More' button, then select 'Open With', click 'Google Docs'
Image How to Mentranslate PDF English 5
- The PDF file will open in Google Docs on a new tab. Make sure again the document you open is correct
Image How to Mentranslate PDF English 6
- Next on Google Docs select 'tools', then click 'translate document'
Image How to Mentranslate PDF English 7
- Will pop up translate document, then in translate menu select the language you want, here I choose Indonesian, then click translate
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- Then the document translate results will appear in a new tab in the browser. Make sure again the document has been translated with the language you want
Image How to Mentranslate PDF English 9
So How to Mentranslate PDF English requires a Gmail account and also a PDF to be translate. So a brief tutorial from me, if useful please share to your friends.
Thank you
This translation can only produce 10 pages. Here's a PDF translate tutorial more than 10 pages
How to Translate PDF English - Using Microsoft Word
But this way also has many advantages one of them more secure, because the results can be stored in the file translate google drive. Will not be easy to lose than stored in flash, external hard drive, or other storage. So my friends do not have to worry if tiba2 broken laptop or other storage area is broken :)