You tried to create/join a topic or answer to question?
The broadcasts sometimes fail to go through for some reason. I think it's the problem with nodes but could be wrong.
Edit: it feels like Steemit is working a lot faster now. Maybe the issues are fixed now.
I get this:
Error: choose a topic before submitting your question
The problem is that I did.
I'll look into it. Thanks, that's a new one.
Just trying to help get the platform off the ground.
How do I view other questions that were already asked on there...when I press the new or top questions, nothing happens.
By the way, I am using firefox if that makes any difference.
There currently isn't message in place for not any questions on the topic. I think that's your issue here :) Try adding adrogavi topic and check if you see anything (you should).
The joining wasnt a was moving around and posting. As I said it gave me an error message so I tried a couple more times and gave up.
Then I looked at my comments and there were a few messages.
I will try it again.