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RE: Interview a Steem Stakeholder Series - Interview with @donkeypong (500,000+ STEEM Stakeholder)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

"The bidbot stuff is selfish and short sighted. Steemit’s main page looks like crap, and how will that help your long term investment?"

Couldn't agree more with you on that @donkeypong. That's why I just had to set aside Steemgar and start building a solution to this huge problem that is crippling Steem as we speak since I only saw everyone else doing more of the same (building "smarter" bid bots or just building more frontends with same feed).

I also recently started using smartsteem and instantly noticed how it affects my behavior here, saving my voting power for the bidbot is the most profitable thing to do in short term, yet will kill this platform long term when quality content isn't rewarded like they should be. Yet because of the profits that come without doing nothing, whales allowed such behavior to blossom here and look at the trending now, what a shit show.

My project still has a long way to go, is missing some basic functionality, but you can already compare how the trending looks with some filters like hide promoted posts. I wish I didn't have stake in Steem so I wouldn't have to care so much, but since I do, might as well try and steer the ship to direction I deem better.

See the change for yourself here:
