“It will only damage steem more if we promote such garbage in the hopes of catching some financially illiterate fish.”
This is the most unintentionally hilarious metaphorical turn of phrase I’ve ever read.
Usually metaphors have some kind of relation, if only loosely, to the original subject they are being used on (yes, yes, I know nitpicky middle-brow Time Magazine reading types will fuss about the “proper grammar“ sentence structure being “on which they are being used,” but that’s just a ridiculous prescriptivist peeve that no one of consequence follows, especially on glorified internet message boards like Steemit).
But here, you went all crazy with it.
Because who uses garbage to catch fish? And what would be the metaphorical parallel to fish that are financially literate?
I know where you were going with it. If I were an editor I would have suggested something along the lines of this:
“It will only serve to further pollute the Steem ecosystem if we continue dumping this kind of fetid bilge overboard in the hopes that the noxious odor will attract the weakest forage fish merely to feed their predators in a last ditch effort to survive the imminent collapse of the entire extant stock.”
The metaphor still breaks down, because who, exactly, are the fishermen dumping the bilge and who are the predator fish?
I don’t know.
Ok, maybe mines just as bad.
This is awkward.
So, uh....I heard this guy likes soup. Do you like soup?