
Well yeah, but it's not on steemit blockchain and how do you send messages to all your followers from there to steemit? The usernames do not always match steemit usernames and you have to send messages to each one individually.

Anyway discord is great in it's own way. There is a convenient tool for everything, depends what you want to do and achieve. If discord does the job for you then of course use it. Skype, twitter, facebook, instagram, telegram, whatsapp there is lots of stuff you can use that is free.

right - you are correct - I did not think of that - that it would be nice to send out a msg to all followers... I guess I just have accepted that I can't do that - instead I make friends with the ones that I can one-on-one and then we talk in discord

He's literally copied my code and made it free for now so he can charge later. Not cool because I did not give him permission to do so. You can see my tool HERE.

According to Github license I am allowed to do that. You can read it here
Number 5. License Grant to Other Users
Any Content you post publicly, including issues, comments, and contributions to other Users' repositories, may be viewed by others. By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view and "fork" your repositories (this means that others may make their own copies of your Content in repositories they control).I took it from github and modified UI and backend. There is no sign of copyright on Github page.