Here is a simple step by step guide on how to setup Windows mining for Steem power.
I'm going to try to explain this in a way to keep it as straight forward as possible to try to avoid most of the technical jargon that may loose some people. The following setup is what worked for me, but if someone has some pointers that can further help, please comment on this post because I'm far from an expert.
Step 1
Download the new miner software @bitcube put up.
Step 2
Extract the [steem-0.13.0-rc3] folder from the zip file onto your computer. I choose to make it a folder on my 2nd drive and not under Program Files (to avoid admin permission issues that could happen on some computers).Step 3
Install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft. (you may need to reboot after you install it)
Step 4
Go to the folder and run the steemd.exe file. The purpose of this first run is to have it setup the subfolders under the [witness_node_data_dir]. It will look something like this and you will see the folder [witness_node_data_dir] appear.After that, you just hit the red X to shut it down.

Step 5
Open the [witness_node_data_dir] folder and find the config.ini file (note if extension are not turned on in your windows explorer then it will just show as config). Right click on the file and click on Open with and then select Notepad.
Step 6
Find the line in the config file called# P2P nodes to connect to on startup (may specify multiple times)
Under this you need to remove # seed-node = to add the node site for the miner to connect to.
They need to be listed like this. The number you have is up to up but I'd put in around 7 or so.
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
seed-node =
This site shows which nodes are up or down:
Here is what it looks like after editing this section.
Save the config file and move down the list to the next item to edit.
Step 7
Find the line in the config file called# name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )
Under this you need to remove # witness = and enter the following.
witness = "your-steemit-username"
This is the username you have for your Steemit account.
Save the config file and move down the list to the next item to edit.
Step 8
Find the line in the config file called# name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )
Under this you need to remove # miner = and enter the following.
miner = ["your-steemit-username","5123423412412342342341242341234"]
This is the username you have for your Steemit account and the WIF PRIVATE KEY is from your account.
Go to Wallet in Steemit and then click on Permissions. You will see the line called Active and to the far
right will be a button that says [Login to Show]
Once you login, the button will change to [Show Private Key] and you cope the Active private key to enter
in the code line above.
Save the config file and move down the list to the next item to edit.
Step 9
Find the line in the config file called# Number of threads to use for proof of work mining
Under this you need to remove # mining-threads = and enter the following.
mining-threads = 2
You can try increasing this number to 4 if you have a computer that can handle the extra work load. I'm using my PC at the same time, so I've left it at 2.
Save the config file and close it. You are done editing it.
Step 10
Download this bat file to add to the [steem-0.13.0-rc3] folder.This simple batch file will make running the replay much easier than going to Run CMD in Windows.
Once you download it, you can right click on it to open it in Notepad to verify it is just a simple one line batch file that makes it simple to run the replay function to get the databases setup. Download it here:
If you do want to run cmd, you right click on the Start menu and click Run. Enter cmd and then go to the folder you have steem installed with Dos commands. Then you run the following code.
steemd.exe --replay
Either way you run it, the process will take time to download the databases depending on your internet speed etc.
The database files will show under the following folder.
The two files of block and index will show under this folder
Step 11
After you get the file downloaded, you can just run the steemd.exe file to start the mining. The command window will come up and it should start running lines like this.
Step 11
You can check if you are get reward by looking at your site.
You will start seeing pow2 entries like below.
I've asked around where it shows in the Steemit wallet but the answer seems to be it just increases your Steem Power by 1 each time (some technical person can confirm this in the comments hopefully).
Video Guide
This was done before the hard fork with the other mining software but it does help to visually see how to setup the config file.References used:
There were a number of other posts I read through early on to piece this altogether to somehow get it to make sense and work. I really hope this step by step guide is a little less technical and easy to follow.
Thank you for such a wonderful post, I am following this to attempt to get my mining running on Windows. I encountered a problem where on starting steemd it says (my personal folder locations changed for safety):
Apparently, you can ignore this parsing error.
BUT, you also have to add/edit the following line in the config file, which was originally commented out:
private-key = 5XXXX....
Apparently, use the same WIF key as per the OP, but this time, without the quotes, I am yet to confirm if this is 100% working for me, but I will update my comment and let you know.
I hope this helps anybody perhaps having the same issue, OP, I think you may have left that 'private-key' edit out of your instructions...
Also, be VERY patient, it takes a really long time to get blocks 3.65M - 4.1M (for me anyway)
Thank you for a great post though!
I didn't need to put in the private-key line and in the video, the other person doesn't either.
But if it makes it work for you then great!
Yes, I am a noob, that may indeed be the case, I think I was having troubles getting my steem mining running, but perhaps I was just impatient, I posted my issues in steem chat and I received this response re private-key, so I thought it may have been the missing factor - but yes i am not 100%. Thanks.
Here is a new video a user did that shows how to download the blockchain from - note: this site is currently timing out for me.
You can use multiple computers at the same time a mining accounts it?
I'm not sure if you can mine from multiple computers for the same Steemit account. Any mining experts out there know the answer to this one?
No, using the same account on multiple computers can risk your balance. IIRC
Great post with tons of details. Nice that you added pictures along with the descriptions. I appreciate the time you spent helping us newbies learn how to mine.
Great Post! Thanks for sharing! @incomemonthly
This is great.. I tried to set it up once before and kept getting an error. I will try it again using your guide. Thank you.
Probably the best and most concise set of instructions for steem mining I've seen. Thanks. I was able to get this working the first time around, but now the "steemd.exe --replay" command crashes immediately. Running from a batch file and adding pause doesn't reveal any new information. I checked and that database folder isn't being created.
I just tried setting it up and am finding the window opens briefly and then disappears. The database folder is there but I have no way of knowing if everything is working. Did I do something wrong? I'm on Windows 10
Super useful post! Just one question about the batch file (step 10).
I have donwnloaded it and copied in the folder but once I right click on it, it doesn't allow me to open with notepad, but instead if I double click on it, it looks like I am running steemd.exe (the same window open and it starts to load the blockchain, hardforks etc).
Is there something wrong with it? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot for your help!
You should be able to right click on the file and then go to Open with > to select Notepad.
I only suggested to do this as a way to verify that the batch file just has the one command
steemd.exe --replay
in it because some may be concerned about download a batch file without checking it out first.Anyone can create their own batch file by just make a text doc with the one line of code in it and then renaming it to a .bat extension. But they will need extensions turned on Windows Explorer settings (it's off by default).
Been mining for days 8000 hash during the day on 2 cores and 14,000 at night on 4 cores, still have not found a pow entry in the steemd@cherryleaf page. Is that the usual now? has the difficulty gone up? My steam power goes up but not by 1 it goes up by .001 a few times a day. Just figured that increase was from posting on Steem...
I haven't hit a block in a day or so either. I reset it but still nothing yet. Before that I was getting at least 1 a day.
I just hit a block about 25 minutes ago and this is after reseting by running the batch file that has this code in it
steemd.exe --replay
and just 2 threads around 6500 hps. I tried increasing it but didn't see any increased results so I'm not going to have my PC running super hard for unnoticeable rewards.When you hit a block it'll say you received a POW in right? I have yet to get that message after 5 straight days of mining. And also when you receive a POW it is 1 steem power correct? Not a fraction of a steem power right? I had someone else trying to tell me if I saw my SP going up that it meant I was successfully mining and I said yes its going up a few times a day but only by .001's
If you aren't seeing POW on or under the Mining tab then I'd stop it and check to make sure you have your username and key setup correctly. You should be hitting blocks so something must be wrong.
The increase in SP you are seeing is interest. It will go up by 1 when you hit a block.
I can't reply to the long comment you made - no Reply button.
The only thing I see is the prive key which needs to be changed to your accounts info and not shared with anyone -- 5mysuperlongkey
Thanks for replying incomemonthly, yes I have my real key in the file, just used myreallylongkey since I was making this public. Yes it looks like someone has figured out gpu mining...
It appears some power mining facilities have started mining steem which pretty makes mining on an individual level not worth it unless they make changes to the mining methods.
Thanks, that was detailed and easy to follow.
for me it just writes:
starting mining with chain with 0 blocks
it looks like it started to sync but nothing happens for long..
idk whats the problem