In my opinion, someone writing a proposal for someone else should not set the beneficiary to the recipient of the proposal. Instead, they should either decline payout or set the maximum reward to 20 SBD
to cover the proposal submit cost.
The reason I have this opinion is because many people were skeptical of the Steem.DAO being funded by 10% inflation. I believe it would be good form if we avoided overly impacting the Reward Pool by SPS announcements, if possible.
You wrote exactly what I was thinking: this is double dippingand Steem.DAO: not cool.. Declining payouts, sending to @null, beneficiaries towards @steem.DAO would all be valid options to me for SPS Announcements, but collecting from both author rewards
There are going to be exceptions. That's why I like the flexibility of being able to do whatever. For example, while setting beneficiaries towards steem.DAO would indeed avoid "double dipping," it is also problematic if we're trying to have low impact on the Reward Pool.
@soyrosa, @inertia I must respectfully disagree. I also think that this has turned into a bit of a pile-on witchhunt and the holistic picture is not being looked at. If you look at this objectively, it is not double dipping as there are two parties involved. Quochuy being the developer which was rightly proposed for funding by the dao and myself as the organisor and also the author, this post rewards me for my authorship.
I'm not the type who likes to write about my cat for example or take photos of the sunset, I like to write about Steem based initiatives, that is my passion of authorship and I feel it is my right to be able to post about such a topic as an author and non-recipient of the dao funding. If I choose to create a spotlight post highlighting the efforts of others that would have otherwise gone unseen and issing a dao proposal post and taking as much time to write it as someone who would write a poem or recount the events of their last weekend out, I should be allowed to do so as it is penmanship and totally falls within the realm of author rewards.
The only time it is a grey area is if I was getting from the SPS myself, but even then the SPS funding isn;t guaranteed as we have seen, likely Quochuy isn't even funded.
Also not i barely ever post, you can see by my blog history, it isn't about the funds, I honestly don't care about the $69 post more than half of which I promoted myself and also will be funding the developer directly with the 150 SBD he initially wanted if this proposal doesn't go through.
What does bother me quite deeply is I feel I did something pretty cool for Steem, we now have an APR display for Steem Power which makes for public discovery of this value now possible and could potentially be invaluable on so many levels, despite organising this, all I am getting is hate for this post (only by a handful of people granted), whichI feel is totally over the top and unfair.
testing ginabot mention @thecryptodrive
I can see your points and it was never my intention to 'hate' on you - just testing my own opinions on the SPS which was 'taken' from the pool that I personally dip my fingers in now and then. I do feel we need to protect it a bit and I would appreciate if SPS posts would decline payouts in most of the cases, but I can also see why you feel you 'need to' earn from the post whereas Q can earn from the SPS.
We'll see where the community lands on this issue as it's all very new :-)
Don't get me wrong, I don't need to earn from it, just nice to feel appreciated is all. I think this is all new and people are knee-jerk reacting to things without thinking about all sides. The proposal also didn't get funded so the author rewards was all that came out of it, I landed up giving Q some funds directly via transfer myself.
I'm rather concerned that the SPS is going to be a centralised thing in the hands of a few whales due to steem's inherent centralised stake, whether they have the time on inclination to scruitinise every proposal or even take a few min to vote on them to they can get over the return proposal mark will be interesting to see, otherwise we will have the same problem of alot of people feeling rejected and not wasting further time on Steem, much like how authors feel when they post and don't get noticed.