
Why are you guys so bad at writing code and testing?

You’d think a bunch of amateurs would at least do some testing but apparently you guys failed at that as well, or just didn’t bother.

I guess you didn't understand the question.

I guess you don’t understand coding best practices.

Why are you not able to answer such a simple question without evading it so amateurishly @berniesanders?

But u got a point, why is steemit´s code seemingly written by an indian ned hired on fiverr?

Never ever saw anyone trying to destroy his own investment that hard day after day like you do. You are the reason why several people I know are holding back their further100k, 80k, 50k, 50k investments into Steemit. yup 280K went elsewhere and not towards STEEM because of your perpetual "Dan is catfucker", "all Stinc devs are idiots" - jerk behaveour, not only scaring off new members, but scaring away many millions of potential investment money. And Thats only in my personal radius, you can easily multiply that with 100 thats approx. 280.000.000 $ of potential capital you scare away per year.

Saying hes scaring people away is like worrying that trolls are ruining reddit. you not understand how the internet works?!The coding problems are less bewildering to me than people not understanding the incalculable benefit it is having @berniesanders on here causing a ruckus all the time. psst...hey...listen...A PLATFORM HAS TO BE INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING TO BE ON. he's not destroying his investment, he's trying to build it. and he's not scaring anyone away...he's probably one of the first people new steemians follow, for sheer entertainment of the arguing that he generates.

and BTW, I have yet to see him, acerbic tone not withstanding, ever be wrong. Long live Bernie!

I employ Indians (granted not from fiverr) and we have a full QA team there as well. In 18 months on an enterprise scale web application with a big data backend serving about 25,000 users a day simultaneously, we've never had a crash or anything other than a typo or tiny layout issue in display on unexpected screen sizes. Specifically conference room big screens. Not our apps target.

Let's be fair to the Indian coders please. :)

this is not about indians. you have made a case for being an exceptional human tho. my salutes

except what though?

I have yet to see someone do a credible critical code review of steemd. I find it interesting how everyone has become experts in c++ ... after the halt.