This comment makes me sad.
It seems you entirely misunderstood my point.
I never advocated expanding the dev team, if up for Dan Larimer to decide this and I'm in no position to advise on such things. All I wanted to convey is this:
- there should be a better communication regarding the dev team and their plans
- the official website sucks and does not offer information that potential investors would like to see
I understand you're a developer yourself but please understand that people who invest usually have substantially different mindset than yours. So what is satisfactory for you is not necessarily satisfactory for them.
If they waited until it was "investor ready" as you say then it still wouldn't be released. In the product world you need to build the minimum viable product and do small iterations on it so you don't build shit people dont need, like an investor landing page.
But I am just talking about having a proper website with all relevant information listed there so that investors can make up their mind without relying on third-party sources or having to dig out pieces of information from discussion threads.
If this is your definition of being "investor ready" then yes, we should definitely be "investor ready". Especially at this stage, having reached such a high market valuation.
Is it really such an impossible task for a $150M enterprise? Thousands of dollars a day being spent, hundreds of creative users and yet we cannot afford a proper website. It's a shame.
is that not exactly what is?