Steem is the first currency that allows anyone to work their way in (not just technologically savvy, capital intensive miners)
This will be the key to its success. When you exclude people to your party by only making wealthy investors win, or technologically adapt programmers earn their way in, you exclude everyone else and will never get the network effect you need.
One of the reasons Bitcoin isn't more common place, is that society in general has no reason to want to use it.
Steemit on the other hand, is doing incredible things, for incredible people who have been shunned by traditional economic systems. These same people have a financial incentive to learn how Bitcoin works, or what cryptocurrency is, after they've had a taste of steemit rewards.
The only way go from this point onward, is up.
good points
i totally agree, and the inflation powered redistribution also is key here.
@intelliguy , you are correct. That is why I am reading this article and other articles for that matter that relate to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general because as a musician and writer I would not have a reason to get involved in these things. I never before even had an interest in looking into bitcoin even though I had heard of it through "the grapevine." It wasn't until I heard about Steemit in the "Choose Yourself" group on my Facebook and gave Steemit a try that I now find myself intriqued by this idea of cryptocurrencies."