i was part of the team who managed to put one of pedos behind bars. im not sure i would dive into something like that ever again. hats down to the people who are doing that job. it requires stomach for such things. it was all ok, until in one moment, we got info about his location at that moment. It was close, 5 min walking. it requires super human strenght to not get involved as an executioner.
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WOW, You Really Should make a Post about that.
That's a very tough work to do I bet!
Maybe when i upgrade my English a bit. Im still in training phase lol
I was just helping my friends, noone ever had such experience. Just later, ive seen people who actively fights and puts lot of time and effort in getting these worms behind the bars. I believe theres small % of people who are capable of doing that job. I am definitely not.