Steemit is a game, not a real platform. Learn to play the game like a pro, not a noob. Only the naive are sincere and organic with their content, they will never gain a real fan base. Just write compelling posts, like this one, and people will adore you. People here seem really nice, but they are actually shallow and greedy and say nice things in hopes of making money. It's not a community - anything that might look like community is just favor begging and self-centered. Everyone who agrees with you will upvote you for what they perceive as honesty.
Personally, I disagree. I must be among the naive, since I actually believe that the majority of active posters on Steemit are sincere people. I may be wrong, but at least wrong in a good way. I'm giving everyone, including you, the benefit of the doubt.
Everyone observes the same thing in a different way. No one is right or wrong. Some things work for others, some don't. I wrote what was right for me. Let's see if the majority agrees or not. Time will tell.
Thanks for your comment :)