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RE: Since when Is Gaming an Investment?

in #steem6 years ago

oh no! A savvy woman is a bean? lol. I think I would be terrible at your language! I wish I could pronounce what you wrote though, that looks really interesting. So you're a savvy bean? lol.
well, the kids are lucky to have you as their mom.


lol I cant even promounce it, bean I think we both have but shaothrach has me lol

oh ok, lol! Are you native Irish or were born there? And what languages did you grow up speaking?

Yes I am Irish, but we speak english. we do learn Irish in school from age 4 - 17 but I remember none of it. its so bad I cant even help the kids with their homework 😂😂😂😂😂😂

oh how interesting paulag! So you are not really a bi-lingual country in practical terms? Are there any other languages spoken by the majority of the population? I think we are really bad over hear just being taught English only. We have so many Hispanics here that we should at least be taught Spanish in our schools also.