Grow the fuck up. Are you really trying to solve the current problem or just trying to put fuel one fire?
It is racist, do you know where @haejin is from? I'm guessing he's from South Korea, your Kim Jeong Eun joke is about the leader of North Korea, a dictator depriving his people of basic human rights. Your joke is tasteless and uncalled for.
You might originally had good intentions in mind bringing the reward pool abuse to the public's attention, but now you have just devolved into mud slinging, using your own bot for upvotes, while others can't use it, and creating more problems than solutions.
That's half the problem with anonymous online interactions, people are far more disrespectful and close minded because there are far fewer consequences.
Again, I absolutely hate how the trending page is just the same shit over and over and I hate that one guy is reaping a huge amount of rewards at the expense of everyone, but you are not helping at all. Grow the fuck up and do something to remedy the situation.
i doubt he's ever gotten laid. that would explain this losers attitude. all he does is spend all his time on steemit flagging people and pretending he's some kind of righteous person. bernie needs a counseling session or 2.