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RE: Choose Your Path

in #steem6 years ago

So well said. Although I’m still a small fish and don’t have as much time as I would like to devote to building, I follow this course you’ve outlined as vehemently as possible. I’m a long-term HODL’er. Not wavering from that keeps my resolve strong. I don’t get depressed about the current value. I see it as an opportunity. I’ve made too many investing mistakes in the past to see it any other way. So I stay the course, keep blogging and curating as I have time, power up when I’m able, and never ever power down. (That said, I know many people don’t feel they have a choice due to personal financial situations, and must take value out as the need arises. So I’m sensitive to that.)

At any rate, thank you for this great post! It helps to firm up the resolve to stick!