It's really neat to see initiatives starting to emerge that are all about intelligently fueling growth. Lots to think about here.
I've been a fence-sitter about self-voting. I don't do it as a rule because so many people are against it. But I will say that I am willing to add a post link to my signature that shares a solid pro or con.
Regardless of which approach we might feel is the moral higher ground, at the end of the day it needs to be about stability, about growth, and about supporting others (which circles back to fueling stability and growth). Your argument makes total sense. If self-voting helps to build your account, you are then able to turn-around and pay it forward. Which means the very thing that appears to many Steemians to be a selfish, self-serving move, is actually possibly one of the most magnanimous things one could do. Mind blown!
Giving is good! However, if you give more blood than your body can make...
:) I know it is dramatic, but I often use this as a filter. Can you sustain the behavior. If yes and it makes you feel good, DO IT. If not don't.
Everyone has to find their own filter and we are all learning. Try things and see how they feel. Also be tolerant of others. Requirements of Freedom in my opinion. :)
I am happy to hear it makes sense to you.
It does. And I agree with the philosophy you’ve just summarized in your comment. I especially agree with the statement about tolerance. There is more than one right way to achieve the goals. (Referring to growth of the platform.) No one really has the perfect answer. And people bring a wide range of gifts and talents to the table.