Steem is not minable by computing power ?! | Steem kann man nicht mit Rechenkraft minen ?!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)


Steem is not minable in sense of computed mining as we know it from GPU/CPU mining. It took me more than a week and this half day today to figure it out. Including setting up a linux on a spare machine i had. I was only reading the post and howtos which were older than 10 month. None of them were explaining the reason why the software miners are not working anymore. I also read the whole steem whitepaper to understand the concept. In the end i was redeemed from it by a quick look into the steem FAQ. It says "No. [...]"

The fact that it is not mineable by computer power doesn't mean that you cannot mine it by contributing with your writing craft to the blockhain and that is what makes steem interesting.

I hope now that I could also help those who were just like me on the hose. So far...

Steem kann man mit dem Computer minen wie wir es im sinne von CPU/GPU mining kennen. Es hat mich über die ganze Woche gebraucht dies kapieren. Einschließlich des heutigen halben Tages an dem ich einen kompletten Linux Rechner aufgesetzt hatte. Alle Artikel und Tutorials die ich las waren älter als 10 Monate und keiner erklärte die Gründe wesshalb die Software die zum Mining verwerndet wird nicht mehr lief. Auch habe ich das ganze Steem Whitepaper gelesen um das Steem Konzept besser zu verstehen. Am Ende half mir ein einfacher Blick in die Steem FAQ in der steht, dass Steem einfach nicht mehr minebar ist.

Die Tatsache, dass Steem nicht mit Rechenkraft minbar ist, heißt nicht dass man mit Beiträgen und Artikeln in der Blockchain Steem minen kann. Genau das ist jedoch dass was Steem interessant macht.

Ich hoffe nun dass ich auch denjenigen Helfen konnten die genauso wie ich auf dem Schlauch standen. Bis dann...


i wish i had found your post earlier :xD

haha ;) i totally understrand you !

it's minable but the process is different then hardware type ining.
It's totally software based. Chain reaction type blockchain

I can be wrong and please correct me. The only way of ming is to earn in by devoting content?

I am new, but in my understanding,
the content of those article is just a garment over body (otherwise you will loose interest)
The main game is click and counter click. to view this what a click does go to my article:

You can see your activity in STEEMIT

Ok I am grasping your understanding of my title.
I have put an questionmark on it. I dont want to do clickbait or something. i want to deliver high quality content.
I consider my article as exlaining the issues that it is not minable with computer power but with your contribution in the blockchain with artiles.