If you think i am just creating drama, let me know.
I dont see it like that, but I remain open to persuasion.
I like @joshman and dont see him as another @themarkymark or @nextgencrypto and would hate for anyone to assume i was painting him in that light.
I would like him to talk more about what he does know about how the Chain of Command operates. But he may have very valid reasons for not sharing at this point in time.
There are things I dont or have not shared as well, so I cant cast a negative judgment on him for that. But I do want to encourage him to let people know how it works
What did you do to stinc?
They got you wiped from their interface.
I could've just used popcorn, but wanted to hand out a token.
It brings more eyes to the conversation.
Something is definitely up, you show .02stu, but the only vote that shows is marky's flag!

What i don't get is why the steemworld link takes me here but nothing shows in my replies feed.
I wouldn't know you commented without sw.
Sieg heil!