Done done and done. I have been delegated SP in the past. And I am currently delegated some right now. Not a lot but a little. I'm going to come forth and put it right out there, because I believe that if you want to change the world you can't do it without action. I would like to be delegated some SP. I'm here on steemit to help new people. And anybody else who may also need help. I ask you to please feel free to go through the entirety of my blog and check it out for yourself. I do contests three times a week for newbies. I let every single contestant that plays win. This by itself gives them the ability to earn a little money at the beginning and also gives them a reason to come back on a regular basis. My blog is also based around love and family and taking care of those in need. I have donated anything that I could when I could any time that somebody has asked for help. I tell you all of these things, not to brag about myself. But because I understand that delegating SP should be taken seriously. And I want to reassure you that given the opportunity, I will take full advantage of any SP given to help to take care of other members of the community and not to use it selfishly. I just feel that I could be used as an extension of you to help spread your love and your ability to help. My dear friend regardless of if I get any SP gets delegated to me I will always support you for you are a great man. And as always until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And may our creator bless yous.
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Trust that my eyes are open my friend. Data analytics is whats driving my initiatives so I am more aware then you may know.
☺ yes... now that I think about it, I should have known this.